Sunday, April 13, 2008

Herd Health Day

Today was our herd health day for our alpacas. Once a month we get our hands on each of our alpacas and check body condition scores, trim nails, give Ivomectin injections and any other vaccines or medical treatments needed.

Since I don't make a habit of reaching out to touch or pet our alpacas I look forward to this day so I can get my hands on these super soft creatures! It is also the best time to remove any foreign material from their fleeces. And today that was a major part of our time since this coming Thursday is our annual shearing day so I wanted to remove as much veggie matter from deep in the fleeces as possible. As usual we had very few problems and everything went very smoothly.

In the rabbit hutch our doe Purslane kindled a litter of 10 kits this morning! This is her third kindling but unfortunately she lost both of her previous litters due to cold weather. I am holding my breath that all goes well with this litter.

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