Went down to the feed store this morning to pick up new day old chicks. They get thier chicks straight run (which means they are unsexed) and all the breeds in one big pen. I picked up 16 chicks in hopes that at least 50% will be hens for future egg layers. I think I have 2 Barred Rocks, 3 Rhode Island Reds, 10 Americana (Easter Eggers) and one unkown (could be an odd colored RIR or maybe a plain looking Americana).
McKayla just loves babies and must hold them!

Had a great family stop by tonight to see our Nigerian Dwarf goat kids. They visited with the kids and decided to take our doeling and one of the bucklings as a whether.
I will be disbudding them this weekend and will then get them started on bottle feeding. The new owners will be picking them up next weekend.
I will be disbudding them this weekend and will then get them started on bottle feeding. The new owners will be picking them up next weekend.
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