Tuesday, June 23, 2009

New Goat... take two!

Ok, I don't know how it happened that we got two new goats within days of each other but that is how life happens some times.

I was just browsing through North Carolina goat farm web pages last Friday. It is something I like to do with most stock we raise just to get a feel for what is being offered around us, how their web sites flow, what farm products they offer, etc. I really wasn't shopping for another goat... especially another buck... but I discovered at Buffalo Creak Farm a 6 week old buckling that was completely solid in color (light brown) and POLLED. He was just too perfect. I knew that if he was still available he would have to be ours! So, today baby Taylor and I drove out to get him and bring him home. And here he is:

What a cutie huh? He is of yet unnamed... and ideas? I have only eight letters or spaces to work with. His sire's name is Carson City and his dam's name is VW (like the car). I have to decide soon as I need to send in his registration along with Belva's transfer of ownership by next week.


melanie said...

Not so original, but how about Nevada? I mean, given his sire's name...

Diana said...

I had Nevada on the list but it just didn't roll off the tounge well enough for me. We ended up going with the car name theme on his dam's side (his dam is VW and his granddam is Mercedes) and named him Jeepster.

It is not set in stone but I have been calling him that all afternoon and it seems to fit well enough.

I do love the little guy!